Keeping up on your home can be a challenge. Between cleaning and organizing, it can feel like a never-ending job. There always seems to be something else to do.
You also have to keep your home well maintained and in working order. Take care of repairs when needed, or report them to your landlord, property manager, or maintenance staff.
Your home should be a comfortable and relaxing place to be, where you can invite family and friends over without going into a panic about what it looks like.
- Have a place for everything in your home so you can find it when you need it.
- Have a system for filing paper.
- Have a schedule for all chores, cleaning, organizing, and maintenance throughout the year. Figure out when to do it, how often it needs done, and who will do it.
- Delegate the jobs you don’t like to do or aren’t good at. There may be someone in your family who likes doing a job that you don’t particularly care for. There also may be someone who is better at it than you, who can get it done much quicker.
- Everyone in your household, who is able, should help do chores.
- Everyone should pick-up after themselves if they are able to do so.
- Take a few minutes each day to straighten up each room in your home.
- Periodically go through your things. Give away or sell things you’re not using. Throw away or recycle the things that are broken.
- Practice energy conservation habits such as using natural light during the day, unplugging unused electronics, and turning off lights when leaving a room.